Selected Publications
Wang, X., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F. , Wei, S., Ning, J., Li, J., Wang, W., Buchen, J., & Liu, L. (2020). Distinct slab interfaces imaged within the mantle transition zone, Nature Geoscience,
Pei, S., Niu, F. , Ben-Zion, Y., Sun, Q., Liu, Y., Xue, X., Su, J.-R., & Shao, Z. (2019). Seismic velocity reduction and accelerated recovery due to earthquakes on the Longmenshan fault, Nature Geoscience, 12 (4), doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0347-1 [PDF 5.4M] .
Chen, M. Niu, F., Tromp, J., Lenardic, A., Lee, C.-T., Cao., W., & Ribeiro, J. (2017). Lithospheric foundering and underthrusting imaged beneath Tibet, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15659. [PDF 2.0M]
Levander, A., Bezada, M.J. Niu, F., Humphreys, E.D., Palomeras, I., Thurner, S.M., Masy, J., Schmitz, M., Gallart, J., Carbonell, R., & Miller, M.S. (2014). Subduction-Driven Recycling of Continental Margin Lithosphere, Nature, 515, 253-256. [nature13878]
Tang, Y., Obayashi, M., Niu, F., Grand, S.P., Chen, Y.J., Kawakatsu, H., Tanaka, S., Ning, J., & Ni, J. (2014) Changbaishan volcanism in northeast China linked to subduction-induced mantle upwelling, Nature Geoscience, 7, 470-475, doi:10.1038/ngeo2166. [PDF 2.0M]
Taira, T., Silver, P.G., Niu, F., Nadeau, R.M. (2009). Remote triggering of fault-strength changes on the San Andreas fault at Parkfield, Nature, 461, 636-639, doi:10.1038/nge:10.1038/nature08395. [PDF]
Niu, F., & Chen, Q.-F. (2008). Seismic evidence for distinct anisotropy in the innermost inner core, Nature Geoscience, 1, 692 - 696, doi:10.1038/ngeo314. [PDF].
Niu, F., Silver, P.G., Daley, T., Cheng, X., Majer, E. (2008). Preseismic velocity changes observed from active source monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD drill site, Nature, 454, doi:10.1038/nature07111. [PDF]
Niu, F., Silver, P.G., Nadeau, R.M., McEvilly, T.V. (2003). Stress-Induced Migration of Seismic Scatterers Associated with the 1993 Parkfield Aseismic Transient Event, Nature, 426, 544-548. [PDF]
Niu, F., & Wen, L. (2001). Hemispherical variations in seismic velocity at the top of the Earth's inner-core, Nature, 410, 1081-1084. [PDF]
Kawakatsu, H., & Niu, F. (1994). Seismic evidence for a 920-km discontinuity in the mantle, Nature, 371, 301-305. [PDF]
Reviewed Publications
R187. Li, L., Niu, F., Chen, Q.-F., & Wang, J. (2024). Deep slip rate along the fault zone of the 1927 M8 Gulang Earthquake estimated from repeating microearthquakes, Seismological Research Letters, under revision.
R186. Li, X., Hu, Z., Zou, Z., Niu, F., Tian, Y., Liu, W., & Yao, G. (2024). A Three-dimensional Immersed Boundary Method for Accurate Simulation of Acoustic Wavefields with Complex Surface Topography, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, gxae074,
R185. Miao, W.,Li, G., Niu, F., Tao, K., & Li, Y. (2024). Assessment of shear wave velocity models in the Southeast Tibet with full-wave simulation, Earthquake Science, in press.
R184. Miao, W., Cornthwaite, J., Levander, A.,Niu, F., Schmitz, M., Li, G., Dionicio, V., & Prieto, G. (2024). 3D shear velocity structure of the northwestern South America-Caribbean Subduction Zone from ambient noise and ballistic Rayleigh wave tomography, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystem, in press.
R183. Wu, B., Yao, G., Zheng, Q., Niu, F., & Wu, D. (2024). Improved elastic full-waveform inversion of ocean bottom node data, Geophyisical Prospecting, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13601 [PDF 6.7M] .
R182. Zeng, S., Niu, F., Sun, Y., Ai, S., Wang, S. & Zheng, Y. (2024). Crustal structure and anisotropy measured by CHINArray and implications for complicated deformation mechanisms beneath the eastern Tibetan margin, Journal of Geophsyical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028332. [PDF 16.0M]
R181. Zhang, Y., Niu, F., Jieyuan, N., & Yu, C. (2024). A displaced lower mantle source of the Hainan plume in South China revealed by receiver function imaging of the CEArray, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystem, 25, e2023GC011292. [PDF 65.0M]
R180. Yao, G., Fang, X., Zheng, Q., Wu, D., & Niu, F. (2024). Pseudo-Helmholtz decomposition for elastic VTI wavefield based on wavefront phase direction, Geophysics, 89(3) T151-162, [PDF 3.7M]
R179. Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Liu, L., Niu, F. Tang, H., Wang, C., Li, Y., Wang, Y. (2024). Strain field reconstruction from helical-winding fiber distributed acoustic sensing and its application in anisotropic elastic reverse time migration. Geophysics, 10.1190/geo2023-0354.1 [PDF 11.0M]
R178. Fang, X., Yao, G., Zheng, Q., Zhang, P., Wu, D., & Niu, F. (2023). Helmholtz decomposition with a scalar Poisson equation in elastic anisotropic media. Petroleum Science, 10.1016/j.petsci.2023.12.007. [PDF 2.4M]
R177. Zuo, J., Niu, F., Zhang, L., Liu, L., Zhang, H., Chen, K., Shuai, D., Yang, J., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Elastic wavefield decomposition for reverse-time migration in 3D transverse isotropic media, Pure and Applied Geophysics, [PDF 5.4M]
R176. Yang, X., Luo, Y., Jiang, C., Yang, Y. Niu, F., & Li, G. (2023). Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of SE Tibet from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and teleseismic body wave data, Journal of Geophsyical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB026162. [PDF 7.5M]
R175. Fang, X., Yao, G., Niu, F., & Wu, D. (2023). Estimating optimal parameters of finite-difference scheme for wavefield modeling. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese) , 66(6): 2520-2533, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0466. [PDF 5.1M]
R174. Xu, X., Ding, Z., & Niu, F. (2023). New constraints on structures of the mantle transition zone beneath the Transnorth China orogen and western North China Craton revealed by receiver functions, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 245, 105554, [PDF 10.7M]
R173. Barzgar, E., Niu, F., & Pei, S. (2023). A global comparison of Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs structures of the mantle lithosphere beneath major cratons, Science China Earth Sciences, 66, [PDF 2.5M]
R172. Miao, W., Niu, F., & Chen, H. (2023). Sharp Changes of Crustal Seismic Anisotropy across the Central Tanlu Fault Zone in East China, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL099184. [PDF 3.9M]
R171. Nguyen, L. C., Levander, A., Niu, F., Morgan, J., & Li, G. (2022). Insights on formation of the Gulf of Mexico by Rayleigh surface wave imaging, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC010566. [PDF 7.9M]
R170. Zheng, X., Zhao, C.-P., Qiu, H., & Niu, F., & Zhao, C. (2022). Velocity contrast across the Zhaotong-Ludian fault from the analysis of the fault zone head waves and teleseismic P wave arrivals, Seismological Research Letters, 1-13, doi:10.1785/0220210358 [PDF 4.2M]
R169. Meng, X., Chen, H., Niu, F., & Du, Y. (2022). Master event based backazimuth estimation and its application to downhole microseismic monitoring, Petroleum Sciencei, 19, 2675-2682, [PDF 2.0M]
R168. Yang, Y., & Niu, F. (2022). Using unsupervised machine learning for clustering seismic noise: a case study of a dense seismic array at the Weifang segment of the Tanlu fault, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 65(7): 2573-2594, doi: 10.6038/cjg2022P0946 [PDF 16.2M]
R167. Nguyen, L. C., Levander, A., & Niu, F., Morgan, J., & Li, G. (2022). Seismic evidence for lithospheric boudinage and its implications for continental rifting, Geology, doi:10.1130/G50046.1 [PDF 4.3M]
R166. Zhang, L., Liu, L., Zhao, Y., Zuo, J., Shui, D., Jia, W., & Niu, F. (2022). A novel and efficient engine for P/S wave-mode vector decomposition for VTI elastic reverse time migration, Geophysics, 87(4) S185-S207 [PDF 10.6M]
R165. Li, X., Yao, G., Niu, F. , Wu, D., & Liu, N. (2022). Waveform inversion of seismic first arrivals acquired on irregular surface, Geophysics, 87(3) R291-R304, doi:10.1190/geo2021-0097.1. [PDF 7.8.M]
R164. Zhang, Y., Niu, F., & Ning, J. (2022). Mantle transition zone beneath northeast China imaged by receiver function data using fast marching eikonal solver based 3-D migration, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 65(8), 2945-2959, doi:10.6038/cjg2022P0596 [PDF 7.1M]
R163. Cai, A., Qiu, H., & Niu, F. (2022). Semi-supervised Data-driven Surface Wave Tomography using Wasserstein Cycle-consistent GAN: Method and Application to Southern California Plate Boundary Region, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023598. [PDF 4.0M]
R162. Zuo, J., Zhao, Y., Liu, L., Shui, D., Zhang, H., Yang, J., Zhang, L., & Niu, F.. (2022). 3D anisotropic P- and S-mode wavefield s separation in 3D elastic reverse-time migration, Surveys in Geophysics, [PDF 3.4.M]
R161. Miao, W., Niu, F., Li, G., & Levander, A. (2022). Sedimentary and crustal structure of the US Gulf Coastal Plain revealed by Rayleigh wave and teleseismic P coda data with implications for continental rifting, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 577, 117257 [PDF 8.5M]
R160. Sun, M., Bezada, M. J., Cornthwaite, J., Prieto, G. A., Niu, F., & Levander, A. (2022). Overlapping slabs: untangling subduction in NW South America through finite-frequency teleseismic tomography, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 577, 117253 [PDF 6.9M]
R159. Yang, Y., & Niu, F. (2022). Using unsupervised machine learning for clustering seismic noise, SEG 2021 Workshop: 4th International Workshop on Mathematical Geophysics: Traditional & Learning, 49-52, [PDF 1.1M]
R158. Xiong, N., Qiu, H., & Niu, F. (2021). Data-driven Velocity Model Evaluation using K-means Clustering, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096040. [PDF 3.0M]
R157. Fang, X., Niu, F. , Wu, D., & Yao, G. (2021). A new implementation of convolutional PML for second-order elastic wave equation, Exploration Geophysics, [PDF 3.4M]
R156. Xu, X., Ding, Z., Li, L., & Niu, F. (2021). Crustal Anisotropy Beneath the Trans-North China Orogen and its Adjacent Areas From Receiver Functions, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 753612, [PDF 3.0M]
R155. Huang, X., Ding, Z., Ning, J., Niu, F., Li, G., Wang, X., & Xu, X. (2021). Sedimentary and crustal velocity structure of Trans North China Orogen from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and ellipticity and some implication for syn-rift volcanism, Tectonophysics, 819, 229104 [PDF 16.1M]
R154. Li, L., Chen, Q.-F., & Niu, F. (2021). Repeating microearthquakes and deep deformation along the major faults in the Sichuan-Yunnan region, China, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 64(12), 4308-4326, doi:10.6038/cjg2021O0516. [PDF 7.6M]
R153. Dong, X., Yang, D., Niu, F., Liu, S., & Tong, P. (2021). Adjoint traveltime tomography unravels a scenario of horizontal mantle flow beneath the North China craton, Scientific Reports, 11, 12523, [PDF 11.2M]
R152. Wang, Z., Niu, F., Huang, J., Li, Z., & Chen, H. (2021). Distribution of Rayleigh wave microseisms constrained by multiple seismic arrays, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB022084. [PDF 11.6M]
R151. Qiu, H., Niu, F., & Qin, L. (2021). Denoising surface waves extracted from ambient noise recorded by 1-D linear array using three-station interferometry of direct waves, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2021JB021712. [PDF 19.4M]
R150. Wu, Y., Deng, S., Niu, F. , He, W., & Wu, H. (2021). Crust-mantle coupling mechanism beneath the Qinling orogen belt revealed by SKS-wave splitting, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 64(5) 1608-1619, doi:10.6038/cjg2021O0390 [PDF 6.2M]
R149. Fang, X., & Niu, F. (2021). An unsplit complex frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer for second-order acoustic wave equation, Science China Earth Sciences, doi:10.1007/s11430-021-9784-7 [PDF 5.3M]
R148. Cornthwaite J., Bezada, M., Miao, W., Schmitz, M., Prieto, G., Dionicio, V., Niu, F., & Levander, A. (2021). Caribbean Slab Segmentation beneath Northwest South America Revealed by 3-D Finite Frequency Teleseismic P-Wave Tomography, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009431. [PDF 5.8M] .
R147. Zhao, Y., Niu, F., Fu, L., Cheng, C., Chen, J., & Huo, S. (2021). Local events based fast RTM surface-offset gathers via dip-guided interpolation, Petroleum Science, 18, 773-782, [PDF 2.3M]
R146. Li, G., Yang, Y., Niu, F. , & Chen, M. (2021). 3-D sedimentary structures beneath southeastern Australia constrained by passive seismic array data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126,e2020JB019998. [PDF 7.1M] .
R145. Zhao, Y., Niu, F., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Chen, J., & Yang, J. (2021). Signal detection and enhancement for seismic crosscorrelation using the wavelet-domain Kalman filter, Survey in Geophysics, 42, 43-67, [PDF 4.8M]
R144. Zeng, S., Zheng, Y., Niu, F. , & Ai, S. (2021). Measurements of seismometer orientation of the first phase CHINArray and their implications on vector-recording-based seismic studies, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111, 36-49, doi:10.1785/0120200129 [PDF 3.5M]
R143. Wang, X., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F. , Wei, S., Ning, J., Li, J., Wang, W., Buchen, J., & Liu, L. (2020). Distinct slab interfaces imaged within the mantle transition zone, Nature Geoscience, [PDF 20M]
R142. Zhang, Y., Tao, K., Niu, F., Ning, J., Chen, H., & Tang, Y. (2020). Hydraulic injection-induced velocity changes revealed by surface wave coda and polarization data at a shale play site in southwest China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125,e2019JB019169. [PDF 2.3M] .
R141. Zhao, Y., Niu, F., Liu, H., Jia, X., Yang, J., & Huo, S. (2020). Source-receiver interferometric redatuming using sparse buried receivers to address complex nears-surface environments: a case study of seismic imaging quality and time-lapse repeatability, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019496. [PDF 6.9M]
R140. Li, X., Yao, G., Niu, F., & Wu, D. (2020). An immersed boundary method with iterative symmetric interpolation for irregular surface topography in seismic wavefield modeling, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 1-18, doi:10.1093/jge/gxaa019 [PDF 3.9M]
R139. Xiong, N., Niu, F., & Wang, R. (2020). Significance of non-planar mainshock rupture and optimal faulting in forecasting aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Seismological Research Letters, 1-11, [PDF 4.0M]
R138. Shi, Y., Niu, F., Li, Z., & Huangfu, P. (2020). Craton destruction links to the interaction between subduction and mid-lithospheric discontinuity: Implications for the eastern North China Craton, Gondwana Research, 83, 49-62, [PDF 8.6M]
R137. Zuo, J., Wang, L., & Niu, F. (2020). Multiple source downwellings beneath the eastern North China revealed by 3-D CCP migration of receiver function data, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 192. [PDF 3.6M] .
R136. Dong, X., Yang, D., & Niu, F. (2019). Passive adjoint beneath eastern Tibetan with a W2-norm misfit function, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 12,986–12,995. 10.1029/2019GL085515. [PDF 17M]
R135. Wang, L., & Niu, F. (2019). Anomalous SmKS induced by postcritical reflection and refraction at the core-mantle boundary, Science Bulletin, 64, 1601-1607 [PDF 2.6M] .
R134. Delph, J. R., Levander, A., & Niu, F. (2019). Constraining the crustal velocity structure of the conterminous United States using receiver functions and the autocorrelation of earthquake-generated body waves, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124. doi:10.1029/2019JB017929 [PDF 7.9M]
R133. Zuo, J., & Niu, F. (2019). Shear wave splitting parameters of two-layer anisotropic media estimated from three different multilayer measurement methods, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 62(8), 2885-2898, doi:10.6038/cjg2019N0037 [PDF 4.9M]
R132. Li, G., Niu, F., Yang, Y., & Tao, K. (2019). Joint inversion of surface wave phase velocity, particle motion and teleseismic body wave data for sedimentary structures, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, doi:10.1029/2019GL082746 [PDF 1.8M] .
R131. Pei, S., Niu, F. , Ben-Zion, Y., Sun, Q., Liu, Y., Xue, X., Su, J.-R., & Shao, Z. (2019). Seismic velocity reduction and accelerated recovery due to earthquakes on the Longmenshan fault, Nature Geoscience, 12 (4), doi:10.1038/s41561-019-0347-1 [PDF 5.4M] .
R130. Chen, M., Manea, V.C., Niu, F., Wei, S.S., & Kiser, E. (2019). Genesis of intermediate-depth and deep intraslab earthquakes beneath Japan constrained by seismic tomography, seismicity, and thermal modeling, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2025-2036 doi:10.1029/2018GL080025 [PDF 2.8M] .
R129. Yang, C., & Niu, F. (2019). Sedimentary structure of the Bohai Bay Basin revealed by frequency dependent P-wave particle motion, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 10, 372-381, doi:10.1016/j.geog.2018.04.007 [PDF 18.3M] .
R128. Yang, C., Niu, F., Daley, T.M., & Taira, T. (2019). Continuous measurement of stress-induced traveltime variations at SAFOD, Seismological Research Letters, 90,212-218, doi:10.1785/0220180080 [PDF 3.0M]
R127. Yang, C., Li, G., Niu, F., & Y. Ben-Zion (2019). Significant effects of shallow seismic and stress properties on phase velocities of Rayleigh waves up to 20 s, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176, 1255-1267, doi:10.1007/s00024-018-2075-7 [PDF 1.0M]
R126. Zheng, T., Tang, Y., Niu, F., & Jiang, Y. (2018). Q-factor estimation based on frequency-weighted-exponential function of power spectrum, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 37, 5113-5117, [PDF 0.5M]
R125. Guan, Z., & Niu, F. (2018). Using fast marching eikonal solver to compute 3D Pds traveltimes for deep receiver-function imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 9049–9062. doi:10.1029/2018JB015892 [PDF 3.7M]
R124. Delph, J.R., Levander, A., & Niu, F. (2018). Fluid controls on heterogeneous seismic characteristics of the Cascadia margin, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, doi:10.1029/2018GL079518 [PDF 3.6M]
R123. Zuo, Q., Tang, Y., Niu, F., Li, G., Chen, H., Tao, K., & B. Chen (2018). Temporal variations of near-surface anisotropy induced by hydraulic fracturing at a shale play site in southwest China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, [PDF 2.0M] .
R122. Fang, X., D. Wu, & Niu, F. (2018). Least-squares reverse-time migration enhanced with the inverse scattering imaging condition, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 61(9), 3770-3782, doi:10.6038/cjg2018L0721 [PDF 3.6M] .
R121. Xu, X., Niu, F. , Z. Ding, & Chen, Q.-F. (2018). Complicated crustal deformation beneath the NE margin of the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent areas revealed by multi-station receiver-function gathering, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497, 204-216. [PDF 3.5M]
R120. Chen, H., V. C. Tsai, & Niu, F. (2018). Observations and modeling of long-period ground-motion amplification across northeast China, Geophysical Research Letters, 45. [PDF 4.0M]
R119. Tao, K., Grand, S.P., & Niu, F. (2018). Seismic structure of the upper mantle beneath Eastern Asia from full waveform seismic tomography, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19. [PDF 42.0M] .
R118. Chen, H., Niu, F., Tang, Y., & Tao, K. (2018). Toward the origin of long-period long-duration seismic events during hydraulic fracturing treatment: A case study in the shale play of Sichuan Basin, China, Seismological Research Letters, 89, 1075-1083, doi:10.1785/0220170270 [PDF 1.3M]
R117. Chen, H., X. Meng, Niu, F., Tang, Y., C. Yin, & F. Wu (2018). Mcroseismic monitoring of stimulating shale gas reservoir in SW China: 2. Spatial clustering controlled by pre-existing faults and fractures, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, doi:10.1002/2017JB014491 [PDF 1.9M]
R116. Meng, X., Chen, H., Niu, F., Tang, Y., C. Yin, & F. Wu (2018). Microseismic monitoring of stimulating shale gas reservoir in SW China: 1. An improved match and locate technique for downhole monitoring, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123. doi:10.1002/2017JB014488 [PDF 2.0M].
R115. Li, G., Niu, F., Yang, Y.., & Xie, J. (2018). An investigation on time-frequency domain phase weighted stacking and its application to phase velocity extraction from ambient noise Green’s functions, Geophysical Journal International, 12, 1143–1156, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx448 [PDF 1.8M].
R114. Bao, Y., & Niu, F. (2017). Constraining sedimentary structure using frequency dependent P-wave particle motion: a case study of the Songliao Basin in NE China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122., doi:10.1002/2017JB014721. [PDF 2.5M]
R113. Guan, Z., & Niu, F. (2017). An investigation on slowness-weighted CCP stacking and its application to receiver function imaging, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL073755. [PDF 2.1M]
R112. Tao, K., Grand, S.P., & Niu, F. (2017). Full waveform inversion of triplicated data using a normalized correlation coefficient based misfit function, Geophysical Journal International, 210, 1517-1524. [PDF 4.0M]
R111. Tang, Y., Tao, K., & Niu, F. (2017). Detecting slow velocity anomalies in the deep mantle from waveform distortion of teleseismic events , Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 60(10), 3753-3764, doi:10.6038/cjg20171006. [PDF 6.6M]
R110. Chen, H., Niu, F., Obayashi, M.., Grand, S.P., Kawakatsu, H., Chen, Y.J., Ning, J., & Tanaka, S. (2017). Mantle seismic anisotropy beneath NE China and implications for the lithospheric delamination hypothesis beneath the southern Great Xing’an range, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 471, 32-41. [PDF 8.2M]
R109. Chen, M., Niu, F., Tromp, J., Lenardic, A., Lee, C.-T.A., Cao, W., & Ribeiro, J. (2017). Lithospheric foundering and underthrusting imaged beneath Tibet, Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15659. [PDF 2.0M]
R108. Liu, Y., Niu, F., Chen, M., Yang, W. (2017). 3-D crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath NE China revealed by ambient noise adjoint tomography, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461, 20-29. [PDF 3.3M]
R107. Li, L., Niu, F., Chen, Q.-F., Su, J.-R., & He, J. (2017). Postseismic velocity changes along the 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake rupture zone revealed by S coda of repeating events, Geophysical Journal International, 208, 1237-1249. [PDF 7.2M]
R106. Fang, X., Wu, D., & Niu, F. (2017). LSRTM enhanced with inverse scattering imaging condition, SEG 2017 Workshop: Full-waveform Inversion and Beyond, 107-110, [PDF 1.0M]
R105. Zuo, Q., Tang, Y., Meng, X., Xu, D., Wang, Z., & Niu, F. (2017). Rupture directions of hydraulic fractures derived from microseismic waveform complexity, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 36, 2972-2976, [PDF 2.0M]
R104. Chen, H., Tang, Y., Niu, F., Yin, C., & Wu, F. (2016). Recent advances in microseismic monitoring and its application to hydraulic fracturing mapping, Petroleum Science Bulletin (in Chinese), 1, 198-208. [PDF 3.9M]
R103. Xing, G., Niu, F., Chen, M., & Yang, Y. (2016). Effects of shallow density structure on the inversion for crustal shear wavespeeds in surface wave tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 205 (2), 1144-1152 doi:10.1093/gji/ggw064. [PDF 31.5M]
R102. Li, G., Chen, H., Niu, F., Guo, Z., Yang, Y., & Xie, J. (2016). Measurement of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and its application to the joint inversion of high-resolution S-wave velocity structure beneath northeast China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012459. [PDF 6.5M]
R101. Chen, Y., & Niu, F. (2016). Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Waves with Enhanced Preconditioning on Densely Distributed CNDSN Stations: Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure beneath China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012450. [PDF 9.2M]
R100. Wang, Q., Gao, Y., Niu, F., & Chen, Y. (2016). Influence of a dipping Moho on the estimate of crustal anisotropy with receiver function data, Earthquake (in Chinese), 36(2), 14-25. [PDF 1.1M]
R099. Wang, Q., Niu, F., Gao, Y., & Chen, Y. (2016). Crustal structure and deformation beneath the NE margin of the Tibetan plateau constrained by teleseismic receiver function data, Geophysical Journal International, 204,167-179, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv420. [PDF 15.2M] .
R098. Xu, D., Zuo, Q., Tang, Y., Niu, F. , & Meng, X. (2016). The application of back projection method in calculating stimulated rock volume, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 35, 830-834, [PDF 5.9M]
R097. Meng, X., Cheng, H., Niu, F. , Tang, Y., & Zuo, Q. (2016). Detection and location for microseismic events recorded by single-downhole acquisition with crosscorrelation method, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 35, 2745-2749, [PDF 2.1M]
R096. Huang, J., Niu, F., Gordon, R.G., & Cui, C. (2015). Accurate focal depth determination of oceanic earthquakes using water-column reverberation and some implications for the shrinking plate hypothesis, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 432, 133-141 [PDF 2.0M]
R095. Chen, M., Niu, F., Liu, Q., & Tromp, J. (2015). Mantle-driven uplift of Hangai Dome: New seismic constraints from adjoint tomography, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 10.1002/2015GL065018 [PDF 2.6M] [Supporting Information S1 6.1M] [Movie S1 12M]
R094. Li, L., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F., & Su, J.-R. (2015). Quantitative study of the deep deformation along the southern segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone using repeating microearthquakes, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 58(11), 4138-4148, doi:10.6038/cjg20151121. [PDF 3.2M]
R093. Chen, J., Niu, F., & Ning, J. (2015). Anisotropy of the innermost inner Core further constrained by Chinese data, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis (in Chinese), 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.061. [PDF 1.1M]
R092. Thurner, S., Margolis, R., Levander, A., & Niu, F. (2015). PdS receiver function evidence for crustal scale thrusting, relic subduction, and mafic underplating in the Trans‐Hudson Orogen and Yavapai province, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 426, 13-22. [PDF 2.2M]
R091. Guo, Z., Chen, Y.J., Ning, J., Feng, Y., Grand, S.P., Niu, F., Kawakatsu, H., Tanaka, S., Obayashi, M., & Ni, J. (2015). High resolution crustal structure beneath NE China from 3D joint inversion of ambient noise and receiver functions using NECESSArray data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 416, 1-11. [PDF 6.8M]
R090. Chen, M., Niu, F., Liu, Q., Tromp, J., & Zheng, X. (2015). Multi-parameter adjoint tomography of the crust and upper mantle beneath East Asia – Part I: Model construction and comparisons, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, 1762-1786, doi:10.1002/2014JB011638. [PDF 11M]
R089. Tanaka, S., Kawakatsu, H., Obayashi, M., Chen, Y.J., Ning, J., Grand, S.P., Niu, F., & Ni, J. (2015). Rapid lateral variation of P-wave velocity at the base of the mantle near the edge of the Large-Low Shear Velocity Province beneath the western Pacific, Geophysical Journal International, 200, 1052-1065. [PDF 6.1M]
R088. Liu, Z., Niu, F., Chen, Y.J., Grand, S.P., Kawakatsu, H., Ning, J., Tanaka, S., Obayashi, M., & Ni, J. (2015). Receiver function images of the mantle transition zone beneath NE China: new constraints on intraplate volcanism and deep subduction, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412, 101-111. [PDF 9.7M]
R087. Ranasinghe, N.R., Gallegos, A.C., Trujillo, A.R., Blanchette, A.R., Sandvol, E.A., Ni, J., Hearn, T.M., Tang, Y., Grand, S.P., Niu, F., Chen, Y.J., Ning, J., Kawakatsu, H., Tanaka, S., & Obayashi, M. (2015). Lg Attenuation in Northeast China Using NECESSArray Data, Geophysical Journal International, 200, 67-76. [PDF 3.0M]
R086. Masy, J. Niu, F., Levander, A., & Schmitz, M. (2015). Lithospheric Expressions of the Cenozoic Subduction, Mesozoic Rifting and the Precambrian Shield in Venezuela, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 410, 12-24. [PDF 7.3M]
R085. Takeuchi, N., Kawakatsu, H., Tanaka, S., Obayashi, M., Chen, Y.J., Ning, J., Grand, S.P., Niu, F., Ni, J., Iritani, R., Idehara, K., & Tonegawa, T. (2014). Upper Mantle Tomography in the Northwestern Pacific Region Using Triplicated P Waves, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, 7667–7685, doi:10.1002/2014JB011161. [PDF 12M]
R084. Levander, A., Bezada, M.J. Niu, F., Humphreys, E.D., Palomeras, I., Thurner, S.M., Masy, J., Schmitz, M., Gallart, J., Carbonell, R., & Miller, M.S. (2014). Subduction-Driven Recycling of Continental Margin Lithosphere, Nature, 515, 253-256. [PDF 7.3M]
R083. Chen, H., Ge, H., & Niu, F. (2014). Semiannual velocity variations around the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake fault zone revealed by ambient noise and ACROSS active source data, Earthquake Science, doi10.1007/s11589-014-0089-5. [PDF 1.6M]
R082. Tang, Y., Obayashi, M., Niu, F., Grand, S.P., Chen, Y.J., Kawakatsu, H., Tanaka, S., Ning, J., & Ni, J. (2014). Changbaishan volcanism in northeast China linked to subduction-induced mantle upwelling, Nature Geoscience, 7, 470-475, doi:10.1038/ngeo2166. [PDF 2.0M]
R081. Tao, K., Niu, F., Ning, J., Chen, Y.J., Grand, S.P., Kawakatsu, H., Tanaka, S., Obayashi, M., & Ni, J. (2014). Crustal structure beneath NE China imaged by NECESSArray receiver function data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 398, 48-57, 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.043. [PDF 5.5M]
R080. Chen, M., Huang, H., Yao, H., & van der Hilst, R., Niu, F. (2014). Low wavespeed zones in the crust beneath the SE Tibet revealed by ambient noise adjoint tomography, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2013GL058476. [PDF 2.1M]
R079. Tao, K., Liu, T., Ning, J., & Niu, F. (2014). Estimating sedimentary and crustal structure using wavefield continuation: theory, techniques and applications, Geophysical Journal International, 197, 443-457, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt515. [PDF 5.0M]
R078. Liu, H., Dai, N., Niu, F., & Wei, W. (2014). An Explicit Time Evolution Method for Acoustic Wave Propagation, Geophysics, 79 (3) T117-T124,doi:10.1190/GEO2013-0073.1. [PDF 1.4M]
R077. Niu, F. (2014). Distinct compositional thin layers at mid-mantle depths beneath northeast China imaged by the USArray, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 402, 305-312, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.02.015. [PDF 4.2M]
R076. Li, L., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F., He, J.-B., & Fu, H. (2013). Estimates of deep slip rate along the Xiaojiang fault with repeating microearthquake data, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 56(10), 3373-3384, doi:10.6038/cjg20131013. [PDF 4.2M] .
R075. M.S., Miller, Niu, F., & Vanacore, E. (2013). Aspherical structural heterogeneity within the uppermost inner core: insights into the hemispherical boundaries and core formation, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 223, 8-20 2013. [PDF 2.0M]
R074. Wang, S., Niu, F., & Zhang, G. (2013). Velocity structure of the uppermost mantle beneath East Asia from Pn tomography and its dynamic implications, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118, 290-301, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50085. [PDF 11.8M]
R073. Chen, Y., & Niu, F. (2013). Ray Parameter Based Stacking and Enhanced Preconditioning for Stable Inversion of Receiver Function Data, Geophysical Journal International, 194, 1682-1700. [PDF 5.4M]
R072. Sun, Y., Niu, F., Liu, H., Chen, Y., & Liu, J. (2012). Crustal structure and deformation of the SE Tibetan plateau revealed by receiver function data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349-350, 186-197. [PDF]
R071. Niu, F., Kelly, C., & Huang, J. (2012). Constraints on rigid zones and other distinct layers at the top of the outer core using CMB underside reflection PKKP waves, Earthquake Science, 25, 17-24. [PDF]
R070. Liu, H., & Niu, F. (2012). Estimating crustal seismic anisotropy with a joint analysis of radial and transverse receiver function data, Geophysical Journal International, 188, 144-164, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05249.x. [PDF]
R069. Li, J., Ye, L. & Niu, F. (2011). Seismic anisotropy and implication for mantle deformation beneath the NE margin of the Tibet plateau and Ordos plateau, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 189, 157-170, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2011.08.009. [PDF]
R068. Liu, K., Levander, A., Niu, F., & Miller, M.S. (2011). Imaging crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Colorado Plateau using finite-frequency Rayleigh wave tomography, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12, Q07001, doi:10.1029/2011GC003611. [PDF]
R067. Masy, J., Niu, F. , Levander, A., & Schmitz, M. (2011). Mantle flow beneath northwestern Venezuela: Seismic evidence for a deep origin of the Merida Andes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 396-404, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.03.024. [PDF]
R066. Li, L., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F., & Su, J.-R. (2011). Deep slip rates along the Longmen Shan fault zone estimated from repeating microearthquakes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 116, B09310, doi:10.1029/2011JB008406. [PDF]
R065. Pan, S., & Niu, F. (2011). Large contrasts in crustal structure and composition between the Ordos plateau and the NE Tibetan plateau from receiver function analysis, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 303, 291-298, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.007. [PDF]
R064. Cheng, X., & Niu, F., Silver, P.G., & R. Nadeau (2011). Seismic imaging of scatterer migration associated with the 2004 Parkfield earthquake using waveform data of repeating earthquakes and active sources, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, 1291-1301. [PDF]
R063. Wang, X., & Niu, F. (2011). Imaging the mantle transition zone beneath eastern and central China with CEArray receiver functions, Earthquake Science, 24, 65-75. [PDF]
R062. Wang, B., & Niu, F. (2011). Spatial variations of the 660-km discontinuity in the western Pacific subduction zone observed from triplication data recorded by the CEArray, Earthquake Science, 24, 77-85. [PDF]
R061. Liu, H., & Niu, F. (2011). Receiver function study of the crustal structure of northeast China: Seismic evidence for a mantle upwelling beneath the eastern flank of the Songliao Basin and the Changbaishan region, Earthquake Science, 24, 27-33. [PDF]
R060. Vanacore, E., & Niu, F. (2011). Characterization of the D" layer beneath the Galapagos islands using SKKS and SKS waveforms, Earthquake Science, 24, 87-99. [PDF]
R059. Chen, Q.-F., Li, L., Niu, F., & Su, J.-R. (2011). Large slip rate detected at the seismogenic zone of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, Earthquake Science, 24, 101-106. [PDF]
R058. Niu, F., & Li, J. (2011). Component azimuths of the CEArray stations estimated from P-wave particle motion, Earthquake Science, 24, 3-13. [PDF]
R057. Daley, T., Niu, F., Silver, P.G., & Majer, E. (2010), Acquisition of Crosswell Seismic Monitoring Data, in Kasahara, J., Korneev, V., & Zhdanov, M. editors: Active Geophysical Monitoring, Vol 40, Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration, Klaus Helbig and Sven Treitel. The Netherlands, Elsevier, pp. 165-176 [PDF]
R056. Li, J., & Niu, F. (2010). Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow beneath northeast China inferred from regional seismic networks, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115, B12327, doi:10.1029/2010JB007470. [PDF]
R055. Liu, N., Niu, F., Chen, Q.-F., & Chen, Y. (2010). Imaging the rupture of the 2010 M8.8 Chile earthquake with a broadband seismic array, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 53(7),1605-1610, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2010.07.011. [PDF]
R054. Cheng, X., Niu, F., & Wang, B. (2010). Coseismic velocity change in the rupture zone of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake observed from ambient seismic noise data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100, 2539-2550, doi:10.1785/0120090329. [PDF]
R053. Vanacore, E., Niu, F., & Ma, Y. (2010). Large angle reflection from a dipping structure recorded as a PKP precursor: Evidence for a low velocity zone at the core-mantle boundary beneath the Gulf of Mexico, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 293, 54-62, 2010. [PDF]
R052. Wang, B., & Niu, F. (2010). A broad 660-km discontinuity beneath northeastern China revealed by dense regional seismic networks in China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115, B06308, doi:10.1029/2009JB006608. [PDF]
R051. He, Y., Levander, A., & Niu, F. (2010). A localized waveform inversion at teleseismic distances: an application to the D" region beneath the Cocos plate, Geophysical Journal International, 180, 1344-1352, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04489.x. [PDF]
R050. Huang, J., Vanacore, E., Niu, F., & Levander, A. (2010). Mantle transition zone beneath the Caribbean-South American plate boundary and its tectonic implications, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289, 105-111 doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.10.033. [PDF]
R049. Chen, Y., Niu, F., Liu, R., Huang, Z., Tkalcic, H., Sun, L., & Chan, W. (2010). Crustal Structure beneath China from receiver function analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115, B03307, doi:10.1029/2009JB006386. [PDF]
R048. Zhang, G., Niu, F., Shao, Z., & Wang, S. (2010). Difference of aftershock activity and its causes for Ms>=7.8 earthquakes in Main China, Earthquake (in Chinese), 30, 1-12. [PDF]
R047. Zhang, G., Niu, F., & Shao, Z. (2009). The Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment: The 2004 M6.0 Earthquake and Its Impact on Earthquake Physics and Earthquake Prediction Study, Earthquake Research in China (in Chinese), 25, 345-355. [PDF]
R046. Taira, T., Silver, P.G., Niu, F. , & Nadeau, R.M. (2009). Remote Triggering of Fault-Strength Changes on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, Nature, 461, 636-639 doi:10.1038/nature08395. [PDF]
R045. Huang, J., Ni, S.D., Fu, R.S., Niu, F., Shao, Z., & Zheng, Y. (2009). Source mechanism of the 2006 Mw 5.1 Wen'an Earthquake determined from a joint inversion of local and teleseismic broadband waveform data, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 52, 120-130. [PDF]
R044. Growdon, M.A., Pavlis, G.L., Niu, F., Vernon, F., & Rendon, H. (2009). Constraints on mantle flow at the Caribbean-South American plate boundary inferred from shear wave splitting, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114, B02303, doi:10.1029/2008JB005887. [PDF]
R043. Miller, M.S., Levander, A., Niu, F., & Li, A. (2009). Upper mantle structure beneath the Caribbean-South American plate boundary from surface wave tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114, B01311, doi:10.1029/2007JB005507. [PDF]
R042. Wang, B., Zhu, P., Chen, Y., Niu, F., & Wang, B. (2008). Continuous subsurface velocity with coda wave interferometry, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113, B12313, doi:10.1029/2007JB005023. [PDF]
R041. Li, L., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F., Fu, H., Liu, R., & Hou, Y. (2008). Slip rate along the Lijiang-Ninglang fault zone estimated from repeating microearthquakes, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54, 447-455, doi: 10.1007/s11434-008-0406-2. [PDF]
R040. Miller, M.S., & Niu, F. (2008). Bulldozing the core-mantle boundary: localized seismic scatterers beneath the Caribbean Sea, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 170, 89-94. [PDF]
R039. Niu, F., & Chen, Q.-F. (2008). Seismic evidence for distinct anisotropy in the innermost inner core, Nature Geoscience, 1, 692 - 696, doi:10.1038/ngeo314. [PDF]
R038. Niu, F., Silver, P.G., Daley, T., Cheng, X., & Majer, E. (2008). Preseismic velocity changes observed from active source monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD drill site, Nature, 454, doi:10.1038/nature07111. [PDF]
R037. Taira, T., Silver, P.G., Niu, F. (2008). Nadeau, R.M., Detecting seismogenic stress evolution and constraining fault-zone rheology in the San Andreas Fault following the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113, B03303, doi:10.1029/2007JB00615. [PDF]
R036. He, X., Zhou, H.-L., Ma, Y.-L., & Niu, F. (2008). Synthetic study on SS waveform splitting and complication, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 30(1) 44-54 [PDF]
R035. Li, J., Chen, Q.-F., Vanacore, E., & Niu, F. (2008). Topography of the 660-km discontinuity beneath northeast China : Implications for a retrograde motion of the subducting Pacific slab, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L01302, doi:10.1029/2007GL031658. [PDF]
R034. Li, L., Chen, Q.-F., Cheng, X., Niu, F. (2007). Spatial clustering and repeating of seismic events observed along the 1976 Tangshan fault, North China, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L23309, doi:10.1029/2007GL031594. [PDF]
R033. Niu, F., Baldwin, T., Pavlis, G., Vernon, F., Rendon, H., Bezada, M., & Levander, A. (2007). Receiver function study of the crustal structure of the southeastern Caribbean plate boundary and Venezuela, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112, B11308, doi:10.1029/2006JB004802. [PDF]
R032. Liu, N., Chen, Q.-F., Niu, F., & Chen, Y. (2007). Rupture of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake inferred from direct P-wave imaging, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52, 1986-1991. [PDF]
R031. Cheng, X., Niu, F., Silver, P.G., Horiuchi, S., Takai, K., Iio, Y., & Ito, H. (2007). Similar microearthquakes observed in western Nagano, Japan, and implications for rupture mechanics, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112, B04306, doi:10.1029/2006JB004416. [PDF]
R030. Silver, P.G., Daley, T., Niu, F., & Majer, E. (2007). Active source monitoring of crosswell seismic travel time for stress induced changes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97, 281-293. [PDF]
R029. Daley, T., Silver, P.G., Niu, F., & Majer, E. (2006). Continuous monitoring of crosswell seismic travel time, SEG Expanded Abstracts, 25, 1565-1569,doi: 10.1190/1.2369820. [PDF]
R028. Vanacore, E., Niu, F., & Kawakatsu, H. (2006). Observations of the mid-mantle discontinuity beneath Indonesia from S to P converted waveforms, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, 10.1029/2005GL025106. [PDF]
R027. Levander, A., Niu, F., Lee, C.-T.A., & Cheng, X. (2006). Imag(in)ing the Continental Lithosphere, Tectonophysics, 416, 167-185. [PDF]
R026. Niu, F., Levander, A., Ham, S., & Obayashi, M. (2005). Mapping the subducting Pacific slab beneath southwest Japan with Hi-net receiver functions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 239, 9-17. [PDF]
R025. Levander, A., & Niu, F. (2005). Imaging teleseismic P to S scattered waves using the Kirchhoff integral, in Levander, A., & Nolet, G. editors: Analysis of Broadband Seismograms, Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, 149-169. [PDF]
R024. Lee, C.-T.A., Lenardic, A., Cooper, C.M., Niu, F., & Levander, A. (2005). The role of chemical boundary layers in regulating the thickness of continental and oceanic thermal boundary layers, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230, 379-395. [PDF]
R023. Yu, W.-C., Wen, L., & Niu, F. (2005). Seismic velocity structure of the Earth's outer core, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110, 10.1029/2003JB002928. [PDF]
R022. Niu, F., & Perez, A.M. (2004). Seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle: a comparison of waveform splitting of SKS and SKKS, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, 10.1029/2004GL021196. [PDF]
R021. Niu, F., Levander, A., Cooper, C.M., Lee, C.-T.A., Lenardic, A., & James, D.E. (2004). Seismic constraints on the depth and composition of the mantle keel beneath the Kaapvaal craton, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224, 337-346. [PDF]
R020. Suetsugu, D., Saita, T., Takenaka, H., & Niu, F. (2004). Thickness of the mantle transition zone beneath the South Pacific as inferred from analyses of ScS reverberated and Ps converted waves, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 146, 135-146. [PDF]
R019. Niu, F., Kawakatsu, H., & Fukao, Y. (2003). Seismic evidence for a chemical heterogeneity in the midmantle: A strong and slightly dipping seismic reflector beneath the Mariana subduction zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 108(B9), 2419, doi:10.1029/2002JB002384. [PDF]
R018. Niu, F., Silver, P.G., Nadeau, R.M., & McEvilly, T.V. (2003). Migration of seismic scatterers associated with the 1993 Parkfield aseismic transient event, Nature, 426, 544-548. [PDF]
R017. James, D.E., Niu, F., & Rokosky, J. (2003). Crustal formation in the Archean: Constraints from the Southern Africa Seismic Experiment, Lithos, 71, 413-429. [PDF]
R016. Wen, L., & Niu, F. (2002). Seismic velocity and attenuation structures in the top of the Earth's inner-core, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 107, 10.1029/2001JB000170. [PDF]
R015. Niu, F., & James, D.E. (2002). Fine structure of the lowermost crust beneath the Kaapvaal craton and its implications for crustal formation and evolution , Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 200, 121-130. [PDF]
R014. Niu, F., & Wen, L. (2002). Seismic anisotropy in the top 400 km of the inner core beneath the "eastern" hemisphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.1029/2001GL014118. [PDF]
R013. Niu, F., Solomon, S.C., Silver, P.G., Suetsugu, D., & Inoue, H. (2002). Mantle Transition-zone Structure beneath the South Pacific Superswell and Evidence for a Mantle Plume underlying the Society Hotspot, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 198, 371-380. [PDF]
R012. Niu, F., Wen, L. (2001). Strong seismic scatterers near the core-mantle boundary west of Mexico, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3557-3560. [PDF]
R011. Niu, F., Wen, L. (2001). Hemispherical variations in seismic velocity at the top of the Earth's inner-core, Nature, 410, 1081-1084. [PDF]
R010. Iidaka, T., & Niu, F. (2001). Mantle and crust anisotropy in the eastern China region as inferred from waveform splitting of SKS and PpSms, Earth, Planets and Space, 53, 159-168. [PDF]
R009. Iidaka, T., & Niu, F. (2001). Seismic anisotropy beneath the Lau back-arc basin as inferred from a comparison of splitting data between sScS and ScS, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 863-867. [PDF]
1994 - 2000
R008. Niu, F. , Inoue, H., Suetsugu, D., & Kanjo, K. (2000). Seismic evidence for a thinner mantle transition zone beneath the South Pacific Superswell, Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 1981-1984. [PDF]
R007. Vinnik, L., Niu, F., & Kawakatsu, H. (1998). Broadband converted phases from mid-mantle discontinuities, Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 987-997. [PDF]
R006. Niu, F., & Kawakatsu, H. (1998). Determination of the absolute depths of the mantle transition zone discontinuities beneath China: effect of stagnant slabs on mantle transition zone discontinuities, Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 965-975. [PDF]
R005. Iidaka, T., & Niu, F. (1998). Evidence for an anisotropic lower mantle beneath eastern Asia: Comparison of shear-wave splitting data of SKS and P660s, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 675-678. [PDF]
R004. Niu, F., & Kawakatsu, H. (1997). Depth variation of the mid-mantle seismic discontinuity, Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 429-432. [PDF]
R003. Niu, F., & Kawakatsu, H. (1996). Complex structure of the mantle discontinuities at the tip of the subducting slab beneath the northeast China: A preliminary investigation of broadband receiver functions, Journal of Physics of the Earth, 44, 701-711. [PDF]
R002. Niu, F., & Kawakatsu, H. (1995) Direct evidence for the undulation of the 660-km discontinuity beneath Tonga: Comparison of Japan and California array data, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 531-534. [PDF]
R001. Kawakatsu, H., & Niu, F. (1994). Seismic evidence for a 920-km discontinuity in the mantle, Nature, 371, 301-305. [PDF]
Other Publications
N010. Niu, F., & Yamaoka, K. (2018). Preface to the Focus Section on Nonexplosive Source Monitoring and Imaging, Seismological Research Letters, 89(3), 972-973, doi: 10.1785/0220180092. [PDF]
N009. Wei, D.,Niu, F., Gao, Y., & Shen, X. (2012). Preface to the special issue on on recent advances of deep structure, seismic anisotropy and seismotectonics in China, Earthquake Science, 25, 1-2. [PDF]
N008. Li, J., Niu, F. (2011). The Great East Japan Earthquake, March 11, 2011, Chengshi Yu Jianzai (City and Disaster Reduction) (in Chinese), 14(5), 5-8. [PDF]
N007. Niu, F. (2011). The M9.0 Japan Earthquake: What was unexpected and expected from earthquake seismology? Kexue (Science) (in Chinese), 63(4), 27-29. [PDF]
N006. Niu, F. (2011). Preface to the special issue on seismic array analysis and CEArray, Earthquake Science, 24, 1-2. [PDF]
N005. Nadeau, R., Niu, F., & Taira, T. (2010). Seismic Imaging of Fault Zone Processes on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, InSights the EarthScope Newsletter, winter. [PDF]
N004. Niu, F., & Wen, L. (2003). Difference in seismic velocity between the eastern and western hemispheres in the top of the earth's inner core, Global Tectonics and Metallogeny, 8, 109-111. [PDF]
N003. Iidaka, T., & Niu, F., (2001). Upper mantle anisotropy beneath back-arc basin, Chikyu (Earth) (in Japanese), 23, 64-69. [PDF]
N002. Niu F. (1998). Mantle transition zone discontinuities structure as determined by conversion waves, Chikyu (Earth) (in Japanese), 20, 381-387. [PDF]
N001. Kawakatsu, H. Niu, F. (1994). New discontinuity in the lower mantle: Deep structure as "viewing" by the J-array, Kagaku (Science)(in Japanese), 64, 701-707. [PDF]